The Out World is an American science fiction multimedia franchise, centered on a short TV program The Out World (2016) created by Ann Greyson, that includes cinematic book trailers, and collectible, story-driven images. With past tense writing, short (five-or-six-page) chapters, and third-person point-of-viewpoints, the story centers on the future of the exploration of space and the search for intelligent life beyond Earth.
2269. GalaXplore, an aeronautics and space agency of the United States of America, has built the spacecraft Themis, and Apollonia, their 3-mile-long permanently crewed space station which orbits the Moon, will provide the booster, launch pad. The Mechanics, named for their original conception for making repairs more often than not, are highly intelligent humanoid robots that will operate the vessel, intended for deep space exploration, on a yearlong mission.
Like its twenty-first century predecessor, Tiangong, a low Earth orbiting, third-generation modular space station operated by the former China Manned Space Agency of the People’s Republic of China, Apollonia maintains an orbital altitude of 450 kilometers (280 miles) above Earth. Apollonia’s purpose is to gain experience in spacecraft rendezvous technology, regenerative life support technology and fuel supply technology. The station is inundated with the Mechanics, which fill positions throughout the space station. Thirty-four-year-old, Sara Masters, an attractive, dark-haired woman, has a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics engineering from the University of Virginia. Slightly over seven years at GalaXplore, she has worked in the areas of robotics software development, IT security response, and recently assigned to tracking and data acquisition of Themis. She is the point of contact for Mechanics aboard the starship Themis. She will submit progress reports based on the droids’ electronically transmitted messages to her supervisors at the GalaXplore headquarters in Houston, Texas.
Through Shari Haynes, the Director of the Mechanics Systems Laboratory at the GalaXplore manufacturing facility in China, we are taken on a journey through the development of mechanical robots and their interactions with humans. In the metropolis city on the east bank of the Pearl River estuary on the central coast of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, she works alongside the Shenzhen plant workers and Xi Bing Jiang, a robotics engineer, designer and founder of the Mechanic humanoid robots with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Engineering all from Vanderbilt University. Besides planning algorithms, Shari tests the communication skills and mobility of each robot and gives them tasks to perform. The beautiful 5'8" tall, fifty-something woman with blue eyes and blonde hair, is divorced with one daughter in the States. Her one distinct feature is a ridge that trails along the right side of her forehead, which she has grown accustomed to covering it up with her hair. She has worked at GalaXplore for nearly sixteen years in areas of robotics and has a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from Texas A&M University, and a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Themis travels through a wormhole exiting into an asteroid field in a distant galaxy in the far reaches of space, known as The Out World. The spacecraft is hit by a large asteroid, and the Mechanics transmission to Apollonia cut off when they were about to give their coordinates. The damaged ship breaks apart and crashes on a nearby planet. Meanwhile, Sara Masters is on a coffee break. Two days later, Shari Haynes travels in a space shuttle from Earth to Apollonia and comes to blows over the question of what actually happened to Themis. She blames Sara Masters for not being at her station to prevent the transmission from the spaceship from terminating. On a prior visit to Apollonia, Haynes had questioned the ethical use of Mechanics, practically advocating that people should grant robots rights on a par with human beings.
The only surviving Mechanic, damaged and malfunctioning, is found standing in the interior broken-up remains of Themis, holding a large laser gun. It is cautiously greeted by a new breed of humans much smaller than itself. Due to the chemical composition of the atmosphere of their planet, they are an evolutionary species. Otherwise known as "gray aliens," bipedal with two arms and two legs, but albino with a complete absence of melanin. The electromagnetic charge in their brains makes them extremely intelligent but prevents hair from growing on their bodies.
We landed on their planet and they want answers! The aliens plan to repair the Mechanic. In doing so, will they be able to communicate with the robot? Will they find out about planet Earth? Will they fly their spaceships that have the technology for intergalactic travel to the Milky Way Galaxy to make first contact at Apollonia?
MystiCon Independent Film Festival 2017 Programming: THE OUT WORLD screening MystiCon Program Book, page 57, Shawn Walton - February 25, 2017
About The Out World
Since building Apollonia, a 3-mile-long space station orbiting the Moon, USA space agency GalaXplore creates the Themis spacecraft in 2269 under operation by the Mechanics, intelligent humanoid robots, for deep space exploration. On Apollonia, Sara Masters communicates with Earth and the Mechanics sending and receiving electronic messages reporting on the progress of Themis. Themis travels through a wormhole exiting into an asteroid field in a distant galaxy, The Out World. Themis is hit by a large asteroid causing damage to the ship which breaks apart and crash lands on a planet of a gray alien extraterrestrial race. Only one Mechanic makes if out of the crash and it is not functioning properly. Before the crash, the Mechanics transmission about their coordinates is cut off to Apollonia station.